Monday, November 29, 2010

{a floor that fits every style and lasts a lifetime}

on my search for inspiration and creative application for all of our reclaimed lumber and architectural structures i decided to look at anthropologie and west elm, two of my favorite shops to glean from and dream of.   i wondered what kind of flooring they were using in their staging for their furniture on their website and in their catalog.  here are just a few of the great photographs i came across.

amazingly enough we are able to provide flooring and give individuals this incredible look and style.  if you are interested in having a floor that is warm and cozy and looks like it came right out of an anthropologie magazine please contact us.  the antique reclaimed pine we sell for flooring looks great with a color wash, stained and applied with its natural finish.  it goes well in homes that have a modern, rustic, bohemian, traditional and antique feel.

here are a few photographs of some of the projects we have done
{entry way and bedroom}

1 comment:

  1. L.O.V.E.!!! If I needed flooring, you'd be the FIRST place i'd visit. :0)
